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  • Fiddlesticks

    Another pic that doesn't seem to have a category here.

    Anyway, oyster lease, muddy shore stuff, in the mangroves on the Moruya River.

    Another rework of an older one, so some of you may have seen it before.



    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram

  • #2
    Interesting - I like the grain in the wood. Might be nice to feature bit of the main image in 3 panes at the bottom of the pic......
    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth .....


    • #3
      Thanks TN - not sure what you mean - feel feel to play

      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

      Flickr Instagram


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Caralan fiddlesticks.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	137.9 KB
ID:	318237

        Don't know why but I'm mad about photos in photos ..........
        Life is short, smile while you still have teeth .....


        • #5
          Ah - ok - yes, that's great - esp the opaque band, I like it a lot! It's a way of drawing the viewer's attention to parts of a complex image they may have missed, or passed over too quickly.

          Thanks very much for doing that Twisty. I learn something new from you almost every day

          ps - what would also look good is some close ups from the same area - eg wood texture, mud crabs, mangrove shoots, oyster shells etc

          hmmm - got me thinking now
          Last edited by Alan; 18-02-2012, 02:48 PM. Reason: added ideas

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #6
            Yep you can have the .psd file if you like ...........

            Here's what I did ...

            Chose selection tool (rectangular marquee) and constrained dimensions to 5cm x 5cm
            clicked on original image on an interesting bit, Ctl C, Ctl V (did this 3 times, remembering to go back to bottom layer to choose your selection)
            clicked fx (add layer effect -> stroke white & 3 px & drop shadow) copy this effect (rt click copy effect) & pasted onto all 3 selected images
            clicked add new layer (on top of bottom original layer)
            selected rectangle tool (foreground and background colours white) & clicked and dragged along bottom of image
            reduce opacity of this layer as desired
            positioned the 3 little darlings along the bottom

            Photoshop tip: instead of clicking to select and activate a layer in the layer palette, press ctl and click on the bit you want to move on your screen, it somehow figures out which layer you want. (Works best when layers aren't too overlappy) This saves so much time!
            Life is short, smile while you still have teeth .....


            • #7
              Excellent - pretty much how I would have done it, but you have done it classier

              I didn't know about your last tip. Thanks again. See, something new I learned from you again today


              D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

              Flickr Instagram


              • #8
                Ohhh thank you too twisty, I've learned a lot too.
                I missed this image Alan, sorry but now I have seen it, and Twisty's modification and I love them both, isn't it great to receive and exchange these tips

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                • #9
                  That's why I like hanging out here

                  D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

                  Flickr Instagram

