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  • New Lens

    Having to chose which camera/lens combination to take on the daily beach walks was proving too stressful . Wide angle skies? - eagles soaring overhead? - dolphins surfing? - close ups of shells/footprints? (yes I know, a first world problem )

    So after some research, (factoring in the price), I decided on a Tamron 16-300mm Macro with VR. Other choice was the Sigma18-300.

    It's not brilliant at auto-focusing at max zoom - I'll have to play with the camera settings a bit more and try it on the D7000 - these are with the D90

    A couple from this afternoon.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Tamron test diptych PH.jpg
Views:	55
Size:	103.8 KB
ID:	410944

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram

  • #2
    Yep sometimes just a good zoom lens is what you need as a walk around lens. When I bought my first dslr in 2011 I bought the Tamron 18-270 instead of the kit lenses as I didn't have to worry about changing lenses while overseas. Not the best lens I own but still gets used, particularly when we go on photowalks with a local group and don't know what we'll be shooting.


    • #3
      Exactly - I never know what I'm going to need and often find I miss shots - esp if all I've taken is the Phone

      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

      Flickr Instagram


      • #4
        That's why I have the Sigma 18-300. I find it just the ticket as I am not in a position normally to cart a lot of gear.
        Better a full bottle in front of me
        than a full frontal lobotomy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by caralan View Post
          Exactly - I never know what I'm going to need and often find I miss shots - esp if all I've taken is the Phone
          I have given up the worry of not getting every photo I might see.

