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  • This is Fishing

    When the fish aren't biting. He did this for two days and didn't catch a thing.

    But then catching a fish is only a small part of 'wetting a line' (which is quite a good description of the activity)


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram

  • #2
    That put a smile on my face
    All Experts at anything were once beginners

    MWAH Sandy


    • #3
      Some people have the mistaken view that 'fishing' actually involves catching fish. Catching anything is a by-product, an added bonus, but not the main point of 'fishing'.

      My indecision is final, I think.


      • #4
        So true Charles

        Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

        Henry David Thoreau

        Fishing is boring, unless you catch an actual fish, and then it is disgusting.

        David Barry

        Fell free to add your favourite quote

        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #5
          My eldest son is an avid fisherman and would happily do this, fish or no fish. We took him to our local dam when he was about 5, explained that sometimes you never catch a fish and he had to be patient etc, threw his line in and 30 sec later pulled in this really tiny little bream - he was hooked the bream released.


          • #6
            If it swims in the ocean it can swim in butter! I also liked this AD Click image for larger version

Name:	Wanted.jpg
Views:	64
Size:	96.2 KB
ID:	386091
            Last edited by Isac; 26-07-2014, 03:20 PM.
            I Shoot A Canon

            Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
            I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
            I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


            • #7
              Email is on its way Isac look out for the attachment
              All Experts at anything were once beginners

              MWAH Sandy


              • #8
                He`s set,he`s got his Macdonalds cooler bag and a comfy chair,sun,surf and beverage of choice,looks like a Happy Camper to me,.
                C+C,EDITS OK
                I shoot a Canon 90D with a few bits of glass.


                • Alan
                  Alan commented
                  Editing a comment
                  and a book

              • #9
                I was going to say 'proudly sponsored by McDonalds'. It's not about if you catch a fish, it's about being there. It can also be a good social time with people passing to see if you've caught anything and people taking your photo to put on a forum and stating you haven't caught a fish for 2 days .... as well as hanging out with mates (if you have any) but that bloke above doesn't otherwise they would be there
                My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro

