I got up at the crack of dawn on Sunday, I had the bike loaded up in the back of the wagon & I headed over to the mainland to a dirt track that went into the forest and set out for a good ride. I rode for 2 hours and what struck me was the diversity of land use within a close proximity to where I live. It went from native forest to strawberry farms to rolling paddocks with cows grazing to plantation pine, there was even a peaceful lake hidden in the trees with prolific bird life around. All the things you don't know even exist unless you get off the beaten path. Naturally all the shots were taken with my trusty S100.
It looks like mist through the trees but it is actually a smoke haze from the bushfires out west of Brisbane. Native forest on one side of the track, pine on the other

I rode over a hill and ran into this strawberry farm, one of many along the tracks. There were strawberry plants as far as the eye could see.

Then a while later I ran into this, rolling paddocks with cows grazing. I had to shake my head because it was like I had been transported to central west NSW, it was that sort of country

Pine trees on one side of the track, grazing land and feed paddocks on the other

Then I ran into this small but quite beautiful lake, very peaceful in the early morning light with a prolific bird population

And of course the ever present pine forests that take up a lot of land in our area. They supply the local timber mills and are leased from the State Government with contracts for thinning and clear felling

The Cannondale was getting pretty dusty (along with me as well haha)

I ran into trail bike riders and 4x4's on my ride. The guys on trail bikes are all pretty good, they slow down when they see you and say goodaye, then roar off when they are past you. The 4x4'ers on the other hand are just tossers - even the trail bike riders hate them - every one just looked at me as an opportunity to speed up as fast as they could and throw rocks and dust all over me. They are the one thing I hate, it does not matter where you ride you strike them. I reckon one will come to grief doing it one day then I will just ride up, laugh at them and leave them to figure out how to get going again, idiots.
It looks like mist through the trees but it is actually a smoke haze from the bushfires out west of Brisbane. Native forest on one side of the track, pine on the other

I rode over a hill and ran into this strawberry farm, one of many along the tracks. There were strawberry plants as far as the eye could see.

Then a while later I ran into this, rolling paddocks with cows grazing. I had to shake my head because it was like I had been transported to central west NSW, it was that sort of country

Pine trees on one side of the track, grazing land and feed paddocks on the other

Then I ran into this small but quite beautiful lake, very peaceful in the early morning light with a prolific bird population

And of course the ever present pine forests that take up a lot of land in our area. They supply the local timber mills and are leased from the State Government with contracts for thinning and clear felling

The Cannondale was getting pretty dusty (along with me as well haha)

I ran into trail bike riders and 4x4's on my ride. The guys on trail bikes are all pretty good, they slow down when they see you and say goodaye, then roar off when they are past you. The 4x4'ers on the other hand are just tossers - even the trail bike riders hate them - every one just looked at me as an opportunity to speed up as fast as they could and throw rocks and dust all over me. They are the one thing I hate, it does not matter where you ride you strike them. I reckon one will come to grief doing it one day then I will just ride up, laugh at them and leave them to figure out how to get going again, idiots.