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  • Go The Extra Mile - Melbourne 2012

    Go The Extra Mile is an organisation that runs a series of 50 km walks to raise money for charity. As they are my neighbours I somehow have ended up taking photos on the last three or four Melbourne events. Saturday May 5 was the 2012 Melbourne walk so here is the flavour of the day.

    5.20 AM and the light tower has been fired up and the overnight sleepers have opened up the tents and started preparations

    Just before the 7AM start. The 330 registered walkers raised $67,000!

    The start (Superman is 60 years old btw)

    About 35km in and you are getting to the top of the "thousand stairs". This is around stair 720 but most weren't interested to know that there are actually only about 751 stairs and yes they are incredibly slippery and on about a 30 degree slope in this section.

    Of course once you get to the top of the stairs that is not the top of the hill

    but just before the summit there are some trusty volunteer marshals with a smile, a word of encouragement and lollies.

    At 2.06PM the winners arrived (yes Superman was in the winning group after two years of coming second)

    to the finishers the spoils (?)

    and when I left shortly after 4PM this is what the conditions were like for the 290 odd walkers who were still on the trail.

    Last edited by K1W1; 07-05-2012, 07:12 PM.

  • #2
    OMG I take my hat off to you and the walkers - what a tremendous effort! They would be lovin' the photos! Glad to see the doggies had their raincoats on in the last pic.

    My favourite pic is of the volunteer ladies under the tarp - LOVE IT!!!
    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth .....


    • #3
      They are now up over $80,000 raised. Hardy lot these walkers.

