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  • #16
    Agreed - That is very cool! You even helped out a couple... they may have this photo for life now thanks to you
    Richie | Facebook Page | Flickr


    • #17
      I was in the city again this afternoon so i took the opportunity to add to this project. I took two more photo's.
      First was a chap named Sudharma.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sudharma-2357.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	60.0 KB
ID:	319201
      I am quite happy with this one. Yes, i could have done it better but that's what this whole project is about. Lesson 1: Testing and getting the settings right before taking the photo's would be a good idea. Before even going and talking to people would be even better.
      I had another go at editing Sudharma's image, i straightened it and reduced the clarity, think i prefer this one.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sudharma2-2357.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	57.0 KB
ID:	319208

      I kinda cheated for the second guy who's name was Paul. He was a Canadian guy who was doing a time lapse of Melbourne down on South Bank. I had a chat to him and he had seen me taking Sudharma's photo so i explained what i was doing and then told him he was the next victim. He happily obliged and let me take his photo too
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Paul-2359.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.0 KB
ID:	319202

      Feel free to give C&C on any of my images, i am wanting this to be a learning experience and portraits are definitely not my strong point so any hints and tips would be appreciated. Please be as harsh as you like.
      Last edited by Tatts; 02-06-2012, 10:11 AM.

      Gear List


      • #18
        Great thread Tatts and huge points mate for having the guts to get out and do this.

        Looking forward to watching this update.
        f o t o w o r x


        • #19
          I am very impressed, if it was me I would be so nervous that I probably wouldn't get their head in focus!! I think I prefer the second edit of Sudharma as well. 4 down 96 to go


          • #20
            I know and understand this mate and wow more guts then I have but you did say CC I Just wonder if Paul would have been in a better position more on the left. that buliding IMO behind Paul looks like its poking him in the back of the head. I just wonder if it would have been the same with him more to the left and facing the other way if you get what I mean but I still love them em and what your doing for yourself great stuff
            All Experts at anything were once beginners

            MWAH Sandy


            • #21
              Great concept (not something you'd be able to get me to do yet!).

              One thing to consider would be getting the subjects to look in different directions. The "staring down the barrel" approach is great on the first two, but makes the portraits look a little forced in the more recent two posted. Just my opinion though, portraits are not my strength either! :P


              • #22
                Have a couple to add after today's trip to the city.

                This is Liz who had an awesome red scarf and beanie.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Liz in Red 1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	93.7 KB
ID:	319729

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Liz in Red 2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	67.3 KB
ID:	319730

                Surprisingly, of the two people i asked today, both shared the same name. So here is Liz (on the right) and her friend Brenda. I forgot to ask her friends name, i emailed Liz and hopefully will be able to come back and update her friends name.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Liz and Friend.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	137.5 KB
ID:	319728
                Last edited by Tatts; 01-08-2012, 08:14 AM.

                Gear List


                • #23
                  Great colour and composition in #1. Expression is a bit wooden and the hair over the eye is a bit distracting - but for a quick shot of a stranger - just fantastic.

                  #3. More natural expressions here and love the soft light and the way the umbrellas and handles frame the faces. You could maybe even crop a bit tighter or convert to B&W? Tricky to exposure with the umbrellas - maybe some burning of the lower part might even it out a bit?

                  Excellent, and brave work

                  D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

                  Flickr Instagram


                  • #24
                    The red of the scarf and beanie really set the shot off. Agree the expression isn't the best but guess it would be harder to smile naturally for a perfect stranger for some people. The two ladies with the umbrellas look far more relaxed and it's a lovely shot, Liz has great eyes. I'd love to be game enough to do this - do you get many refusals?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by P Plates View Post
                      The red of the scarf and beanie really set the shot off. Agree the expression isn't the best but guess it would be harder to smile naturally for a perfect stranger for some people. The two ladies with the umbrellas look far more relaxed and it's a lovely shot, Liz has great eyes. I'd love to be game enough to do this - do you get many refusals?
                      I still haven't tried directing people much yet. Just stand there and look at me, haha. It's hard enough as it is. I did ask Liz (with the red scarf) to move a touch but on the second image i should have asked her to move a bit more to remove the edge of the wall. For the two girls, there was a bright blue bin on the left of the image. Luckily there was a tree that i could use to clone away the bin. Now that i've pointed it out i'm sure it will be obvious.
                      Agree on her eyes, i was in the Town Hall and saw her and thought she would make a great model, as we walked outside it started to drizzle and i had to stay undercover. It stopped after about a minute and they had been caught at the lights so i decided to chase after them. Seems i didn't come across as too creepy running down the street after them with a camera and long lens must have been the umbrellas that stopped them from seeing me.

                      I have been really lucky so far, i've asked 6 people and they have all said yes

                      Gear List


                      • #26
                        Good to see you are still at it Tatts. The red beanie and scarf look great against the dark background, I prefer the second frame composition wise. The photo of Liz and Brenda is terrific and I bet they love it.


                        • #27
                          Another 2 people to add to the list. Managed something different to staring down the lens this time.

                          First is Sam. I think he was on a break from work but i forgot to ask. I cropped this from a full body image as i decided i liked it better like this:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Sam (1 of 1).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	94.0 KB
ID:	319793

                          Next i spoke to Amy who was waiting for a friend:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Amy (1 of 1).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	104.8 KB
ID:	319794

                          Gear List


                          • #28
                            My first thought on looking at these was wondering what they would have been doing pre mobiles. Maybe people watching or reading a book, or, heaven forbid actually talking to another person. Nice shots.


                            • #29
                              Good job so far .. you are brave !! I like the young couple ... yes of course they would LOVE your photo .. it's of them and I assume they are bf/gf and in loads of love with each other lol.

                              Such a variation in the people .. ..fashions, looks and so on. I like Amy's lovely blue coat.
                              My stuff - 7D |100mm macro|Tamron 17-50mm|50mm 1.8|Sigma 50mm 1.4| stuff for macro


                              • #30
                                Really good project Tatts, enjoying following your journey. I really love the umbrella shot
                                Nikon D800 D300 D90 24-70 70-200 300F4 105 50 70-300VR 16-85VR SB900 SB600's MBD10, Tamy 90

