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  • A round picture...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Woodie-Edit (Custom).jpg
Views:	45
Size:	90.4 KB
ID:	507359

    Thinking sideways here.

    Can you have a round photo?

    I can do it with my Meike 6.5mm, but how to do it with a normal photo?

    Here I have selected (in PS). a round elliptical tool, cut the contents opened a new blank photo, and copied the first to it.

    You can see the cut of line, I have bleached the surrounding area to match the external area, So a result.

    But what I was after, was a fading of the area outside of the elipse, or even just a round photo....

    Any ideas....

  • #2
    I can probably help out Mark. Seems an easy enough task. If you have the PSD file maybe you can send it to me so I can actually get an idea of what you actually want,
    It may well just need a feathered mask applied to get the "vignette" look to it.
    You can always get a round photo by making a copy of your subject using the Round Marquee Tool and then turning off the BG layer and saving as a PNG
    I hope I'm understanding what you mean
    Last edited by Isac; 20-03-2024, 07:46 PM.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      I think it would look a lot better if the image faded to the border as Isac suggested. Are you able to show us a newer version. Nice shot of the bird anyway.
      Alan W

      My Gallery

