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  • Madagascans

    Some of these people live in very poor circomstances. I was probably more motivated by photography than compassion for some of these pictures but feeling a little uncomfortable with some pictures now.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1806_MG_9593.jpg
Views:	86
Size:	420.2 KB
ID:	452889
    #1 Many handcarts distribute everything including bricks.

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Name:	1806_MG_9598.jpg
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Size:	386.9 KB
ID:	452890
    #2 The PA speaker factory.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1806_MG_9302.jpg
Views:	90
Size:	355.1 KB
ID:	452891
    #3 The Local butcher

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Name:	1806_MG_9299.jpg
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Size:	332.3 KB
ID:	452892
    #4 Kids are at work everywhere.

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ID:	452893

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ID:	452894

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Name:	1806_MG_9162.jpg
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ID:	452895
    #7 Stagnant pools in the dry can be problem with health.

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ID:	452896
    #8 Young kids have no problems using knives.

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Size:	371.5 KB
ID:	452898
    #9 Worn out out an early age

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ID:	452899
    #10 All done by hand.

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ID:	452900
    #11 It isn't all work.

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ID:	452901
    #12 Getting ready for the midday rush.

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Name:	1805_MG_9060.jpg
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Size:	354.3 KB
ID:	452902
    #13 Lucky 13 can amuse herself without electronics.
    Attached Files
    Better a full bottle in front of me
    than a full frontal lobotomy.

  • #2
    They all look surprisingly healthy. Good set Hans.


    • #3
      G'day Hans

      A beaut set of PJ-style images showing / reminding us as to how lucky we are - and how compassionate we need to be to help them improve their lot

      > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
      > recent images at


      • #4
        They do it tough but they miss some of our negatives. I couldn't live like that by choice but the excercise would do me good. It is mainly medical facilities that would worry me. I was going to give some scholastic supplies to a village chief/teacher but he was away when we passed through. I am trying to get our driver to get me his mail address so I can send him some useful things for the school in the village. At the moment I don't even know the name of the village.
        No matter how lucky, I still fume at the snout in the trough polititians we seem to attract. I think there is something wrong with the party system as there is with lobbiests and blind patriotism. Good thing I'm alright Jack.
        Better a full bottle in front of me
        than a full frontal lobotomy.


        • #5
          Fabulous set Hans. People in any country should NEVER have to live without the basic necessities of life. It riles me no end to see the huge gaps in society. Just a handful of the billionaires on this planet could fix this if they wanted to. Profits before humanity - very sad!
          I Shoot A Canon

          Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


          • #6
            I can understand how and why you might feel a bit uncomfortable about some of the images Hans, but I think they portray the daily life/grind of these people well, and are not untastefull. I am glad you have posted them.
            Cheers, Brad.


            • #7
              Thanks Brad
              ​I did not run ito anyone who was hostile, at worst curious. Kids came running when in the country side, they thought I was father christmas. It was a bit sad to see the young girls trapped in the pregnancy cycle and the lack of clean water. I believe the same thing happens in parts of Australia. The Chineese are busy encouraging the clearing of thousands of acres of land on which the locals grow peanuts. Since its all done by hand the many trucks with bags of nuts is barely believable.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	452939

              Don't have a picture of a truck handy. The trucks are bought second hand from europe and take the product to the port.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	1806_MG_9604.jpg
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ID:	452940
              This is the bus terminus The driver gets fined ( or at least pays a fee to the police) if he gets caught with more than about 24 people on board.
              Better a full bottle in front of me
              than a full frontal lobotomy.

