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  • A Penny For Her Thoughts

    My grand daughter caught in a candid moment when I was experimenting with a soft -spot filterClick image for larger version

Name:	_MG_2276ae_edited-2sm.jpg
Views:	54
Size:	119.0 KB
ID:	358277
    Call me Col
    Canon 7D Mk2 and 5D Mk2, 100-400 LIS, 24-105 L IS, 75-200 L IS, 17-40 L, 28-135 USM, 60mm Macro, 100mm Macro, 65mm MPE Macro

  • #2
    Very nice image. Feels very great painter.
    Nikon D800 D300 D90 24-70 70-200 300F4 105 50 70-300VR 16-85VR SB900 SB600's MBD10, Tamy 90


    • #3
      Like the dream like quality in this.
      Haven't been there, not done that.


      • #4
        nice timing for a real nice portrait.

        soft spot filter?? Do they still make those things? They were handy in film days when more was done in camera or had to be done in camera

        a stocking stretched over the lens; then put a cigarette burn in the middle worked well also

        so did a bit of misty breath on the lens

        vaseline around the the out side of UV filter>>too messy for me.

        how about a bit of sticky tape across the middle of the lens (forgotten how that was done)

        i have stretched a plastic bag over the lens; worked well too.

        Today; I would much prefer to do all that stuff PP. Once it is done in camera the effect can not be undone


        • #5
          I came by the filter in a box of photographic trinkets and titbits in a shoe box at a garage sale. I think that they can still be purchased. This one (Hoya) was still in the original unbroken cellophane wrapper and has another filter glass with it, "The sand filter gives a smoky surround, while the soft screen an uneven soft focus surround"
          I am happy with the results, although I am sure that my feelings may not be shared, given that the same effect, as you mention, might be obtained in PP, and thats a fair comment.
          Call me Col
          Canon 7D Mk2 and 5D Mk2, 100-400 LIS, 24-105 L IS, 75-200 L IS, 17-40 L, 28-135 USM, 60mm Macro, 100mm Macro, 65mm MPE Macro


          • #6
            That is a strikingly beautiful portait. It is not good enough to just use the physical filter or the PP filter, you must also compose and take the photo to suit it. Here the girl is lost in her thoughts, so the filter works very well to add to the composition.

