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  • A few of my favourites

    As requested starting a new thread for these
    The local Electric Palace one of the oldest purpose built cinemas in the UK (& a favourite because I got it without a dozen cars parked in front!)
    Harwich's cinema by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    One snapped in IR at a touring car event (love the expressions & the lack of advertisements on the girls suits)
    BTTC grid in IR by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    A view of the local woods with a fisheye
    Stour woods fisheye by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    Milford Sound in New Zealand - probably my favourite spot in the world
    Milford sound, NZ by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    and a lucky shot of the local windfarm (I spotted the fog & was pleased to find it still visible after I'd raced home & grabbed a camera)
    Gunfleet fog by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
    Compulsive photographic dabbler.

  • #2
    In your 1st shot is the actual building on a corner as it looks as if it is going around the corner slightly. Apart for that look I like the shot.
    Not real keen on the second but then you hit it out of the ball park with 3 and 4 with a great shot of low cloud or fog hiding the base of the wind turbines.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ralph View Post
      In your 1st shot is the actual building on a corner as it looks as if it is going around the corner slightly. Apart for that look I like the shot.
      Not real keen on the second but then you hit it out of the ball park with 3 and 4 with a great shot of low cloud or fog hiding the base of the wind turbines.
      Thanks Ralph
      There is a small private alley alongside the Electric Palace, but then one more building before the road bens round. Fisheye distortion does give it a curved look which emphasises things - without the fisheye I couldn't get the whole thing in from the far side of he road. If I ever see it without cars again I'll try panoramic stitching - I think it needed the road to be closed last time!
      Compulsive photographic dabbler.


      • Ralph
        Ralph commented
        Editing a comment
        I understand now why it is like that. It is still a well done lot in my eyes anyway. So keep them coming from your Island and surrounding area's.

    • #4
      G'day Mike

      A beaut set of images - and agreeing with Ralph ... #3 & #4 are "reel-winners-mate"

      > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
      > recent images at


      • #5
        #4 for me.
        I Shoot A Canon

        Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
        I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
        I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

