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  • Beach and Coastal Wetlands

    Morning along the Delaware Bay Shore area with a sunrise at Big Stone Beach and the morning light over Brockonbridge Gut.

    Big Stone Beach, Delaware
    DSCF0714 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr

    DSCF0717 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr

    3) Brockonbridge Gut, Delaware
    DSCF0728 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr
    Fujifilm X-T5, XF16-80 f/4, XF70-300 f/4-5.6, XF23 f/2, XF35 f/2, XF150-600 f/5.6-8, and a random assortment of 35mm film cameras.

  • #2
    Well taken shots of nice scenery, good detail showing.


    • David_MC
      David_MC commented
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  • #3
    Beautiful colours in #1 and #2. Fabulous scene with those great rocks and posts as the the main subject. Well done. 1/8th second for the water motion is spot on.
    P.S. Challenge? pump up those pink and blue colours and see what you think. Sorry to mention it but check the horizon.
    B#3 is a gem also. Good to have the eye follow the winding water way. I'd lift those shadows a bit, but that's my own take on it. TFS
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      The horizon in #1 is only .03 degrees off but I'm blessed with noticing these things. It does annoy me. #2 has a slight dip in the centre of the horizon, which is probably what drew my attention to it. I'm interested to know your thoughts about why you added the vignette to #3. All good though, I'm loving your Delaware images - something different and really interesting.

    • David_MC
      David_MC commented
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      The vignette pulls your attention towards the center of the screen where the stream and trees are. It also helps to "soften" (probably not the right word) the image a bit.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I see your vision after your explanation. I've not been a fan of vignette in landscapes - my own personal thing, because (as others here know) I'm a lover of being able to see what's in those shadows. I don't mind vignettes in large singular objects or even on portraits. My eyes wandered through the water channel anyway even without the vignette. Your image is excellently framed for that purpose, and has a really good POV.

  • #4
    G'day David

    with #1 + #2 you seem to be trying to use the w/a lens to the full and creating heaps of empty sky.
    May I suggest dropping 50% of the sky and let our eye concentrate upon the lower half of the pic as that is where the visual action is happening?

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • David_MC
      David_MC commented
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      I took some tighter crops as well but I didn't think they really worked since the sky is actually interesting rather than a plain blue like it usually is when I try to get sunrise photos.

  • #5
    Nice, I love the beach scenes.

    My Geography of the USA is poor, so I had to look up Delaware. It looks like the smallest USA state?? Facing the Atlantic.

    Also love the term "Gut". It describes the water way well. In Hendy we have the Gwili Gut..


    • David_MC
      David_MC commented
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      2nd smallest after Rhode Island.

      This waterway is tidal so it would look (and smell) vastly different at low tide than at high tide shown here.

  • #6
    Great light in #1 and #2. Personally quite like the proportion of sky to foreground. The meandering river leads us nicely into the scene in #3 with the light and shadows suggesting the sun was low in the sky.


    • David_MC
      David_MC commented
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      It was pretty much 20 minutes or so after sunrise in that 3rd shot. I was actually able to get myself up at 4:45am for the 5:50am sunrise.

    • AlfandBen
      AlfandBen commented
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      I think that's called suffering for your art

  • #7
    Beautiful light and colour in these and I like the composition. I can't help wondering what #1 would look like with the sun included in the image.

    It's a great time of day to be out taking photographs and usually well worth the effort.
    Alan W

    My Gallery

