Having has a closer second look I believe that I was mistaken and the rider is coming toward the photographer putting him on the right (left) side of the road. I mistook the wind visor for a patch, time for new glasses.
When people die on the roads there are small Crosses (and sometime flowers) are placed on the roadside where it happened. Are these Wind Turbines erected for the amount of Birds they kill because it can't be for the piddling small amount of Power they produce!
I presume you are a miner and rather see a large hole in the ground. It would appear that 8 of these generators would supply 2000 homes. I am sure burning fossil fuels is not the answer. By the same token I don't have kids and I'm past my use by date so I'm not worried. I can afford the electricity and fuel for a while yet. Would just like to see a bit less greed and corruption.
Thanks and no, I'm not a Miner but would prefer going Nuclear rather than the path we're going down as I see it ending in tears and a massive cost that the Government is hiding but we'll have to pay for in the end.
Those turbines are such a pleasure to see and compliment our once beautiful countryside. Lovely photos Hans. Great POV and good colours.
I Shoot A Canon Web: isacimages.com / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
While the gentlemen you refer to are in charge, I am guessing that the target of zero emissions will be a long way off - well after I have vacated this once great planet
Haha , it will never be zero but they talk about net zero. We have to stop producing Hydrogen Sulphides for zero which is most unlikely in the forseeable future. The target for net zero has been set for 2050 in Australia. I am reasonably confident I will not be around to witness this but it would have been nice to see a world effort on this. I wonder how many civilisations in the life of the universe have managed to destroy themselves.