Headed out to a local state park named Trap Pond. Trap Pond has the distinction of containing the northern most naturally occurring grove of Bald Cypress Tress in the USA. Bald Cypress are a deciduous conifer so they change colors in the fall and drop their needles. Went out that morning with a film setup consisting for a Canon A-1, FD 28-75 f/4, FD 70-210 f/4, and a few rolls of Portra 800. The 28-75 stayed in the bag as I was getting all of my shots with the 70-210. I intentionally overexposed the film by one stop (exposing at ISO 400) to keep detail in the shadows. Finally got some scans back from the developer and was quite pleased with the results.
DavidCov025221-R1-020 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr
DavidCov025221-R1-023 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr
DavidCov025221-R1-026 by David Covarrubias, on Flickr


