Taken on Sony A7RIV with Sony 16-35 f2.8 GM lens at 16mm, f4, 1/2000th sec, ISO100.
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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography
Golden hour light - Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia
I just love the soft golden light during and just at the end of the Golden Hour. This is just down from our holiday home in Adventure Bay, Bruny Island. We are down there every week, so I get the opportunity to take a lot of photos of the amazing scenery there. It is such a magical place and very special. This beach is so nice to walk on at this time of day.
Taken on Sony A7RIV with Sony 16-35 f2.8 GM lens at 16mm, f4, 1/2000th sec, ISO100. -
Beautiful light and colour Sean, and the flare or haze on the left adds to the effect. The composition doesn’t quite work for me here. I think the foreground beach tends to compete with the trees. Cropping about half the beach from the bottom seems to make it a stronger image to me, emphasising the light on the bank and tree trunks. I think I would like to see more of the tops of the trees too. There might be some converging verticals on the trees but I don’t mind it here. I’m really nitpicking here though, as that light really makes it an excellent image.
G'day fellas
After my morning walk along my local beach, all I saw above was the beach! ... but having a second look, I can now see the trees too
Yeah Sean - I agree with Alan ... they are sloping a bit
Apart from that - bluddy fine pic mate !
> Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
> recent images at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ozzie_traveller/sets/
Originally posted by SeanDeFreitasPhotography View PostHa, ha, that's true. Re the sloping trees, they actually are sloping out, however the 16mm focal length has increased the effect. Attached is a further away shot.
Here is an extreme case of a building taken with my Canon 7D with a Sigma 8-16 UWA lens set to 8mm.
Without any correction applied.
After lens correction applied.
As you can see the software has done a pretty good job of fixing the barrel effect common with many UWA lenses.
As part of my PP workflow I always apply lens correction to my images.
NOTE: lens correction is only possible on RAW images, the lens information is stripped out in JPEG images.
Hi, yes I use Ps Creative Cloud (so latest version always) and yes I do always ensure the lens profile is recognised. I also regularly use DxO Viewpoint 3 for more accurate persepective, distortion and barrel corrections; it goes many steps further than the Optics tab under ACR. That said, I think there were a number of factors that accentuated the lean of the trees; 1. 16mm SWA focal length, 2. standing relatively close and under the already leaning trees has impacted, and 3. I could have removed more of the lean if I had run it through DxO Viewpoint 3. I will upload a 'corrected' version from the latter; personally though (and personal preference only) I really love how they lean towards the sea, sort of tieing the whole scene together (for me at least :-) )
All good Sean. I'm currently using the trial version of NIK by DxO as a plugin to CC2020 and that has a perspective correction tool included.
Hi again Sean, have a read of this "how to" on uploading images to the forum. I use the "Save for Web" feature in Photoshop for my forum images. Set the longest side to 1024 and adjust the quality to somewhere between 235 and 250Kb. Hope this helps.
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Perfect, thanks for sending this through.
Since we upgraded to vBulletin 5.5.6 you can now just Drag & Drop image/s into the post, directly from your computer. Saves a lot of mucking about. See the end section of the How To: https://www.ausph.com/forum/posting-...od-drag-n-drop
Just a bit more on uplading ....
Sean - I am a bit of a wayward bugga in that I do not upload images to any forum - I prefer to load once only to my Flickr library and then place a link into each discussion forum I take part with (I have 4-photo fora I play with)
As the actress said to the Bishop (all those years ago) .... "it's up to you mate - how do ya wanna do it?"