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  • Taggerty Cascades

    Taggerty Cascades near Marysville in Victoria

    It was a beautiful winters day here in Victoria, albeit cool. It was 4degC at the Cascades car park, and thank goodness for a carbon fibre tripod, the water was freezing





    Thanks for looking...
    Cheers Richard !

  • #2
    Wonderful set Richard
    Love the vibrant moss covered rocks and boulders.
    Did you have a drink of the water? .... one would expect it to be quite 'fresh' up there.
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • #3
      Nice light, dof and sense of movement captured.

      (can't see the exif data so not sure what the shutter speed was. ND Filter involved?)

      D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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      • #4
        Thank you Barb and Alan

        Barb, no I didn't taste the water, never thought to actually. It was already hard to keep warm

        Alan, this set there was no ND filter involved. I started off using a 6 stop, then dropped back to a 3 stop, then no ND filter. It was quite dark under the ferns and bush.
        Cheers Richard !


        • #5
          Looks like a lovely spot, and you have captured it well Richard. I love those moss covered rocks.
          Last edited by Ironwood; 15-08-2016, 08:57 PM. Reason: correct auto speller
          Cheers, Brad.

