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Includes seascape, panorama and travel photography
One of those things you don't want to hear while you're in the bush. Strangely enough it often happens on the calm days!..
Another day at the arboretum tomorrow.. Suspect there'll be a few of these to contend with.
I've heard and seen a few come crashing down when we lived in Manjimup. I also lost 2 very good friends when they were crushed by huge Karri trees, one a young married guy with a lovely wife and 2 gorgeous kids. He was from a very well known family and it was on Christmas eve when he was heading home from work, for the holidays. Trees are beautiful but can be deadly. Sorry about that Barb, your post just brought that back to me. Your photo depicts a lovely spot.I Shoot A Canon
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I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Such a sad memory Isac, made especially worse to have happened on Christmas eve.
I really enjoyed the walk through this area to get to the tin mine .... maybe because it was mostly flat, or maybe because I wasn't wearing cumbersome bike gear, or maybe because it wasn't stinking hot and there were no flies about .... probably all the above.
I am intrigued by the 'rubbish' line at the bottom of the fence part way up the hill. There is a fallen tree trunk at the far left section but the rest appears to be accumulated debris such as when a lot of water has gone through. Did it rain that much to wash debris down the hill? Maybe it is just where the animals haven't eaten along the fence line .... when we go back I shall have to take a closer look.Barb
"If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"