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  • Aldinga Wetlands

    The wetlands, this from my local area I wish there was a viewing hut so you could view the wild life better when they was creating it the council sent a survey out, I suggest it but it fell on deaf earsClick image for larger version

Name:	WET LANDS.jpg
Views:	75
Size:	224.2 KB
ID:	383315

  • #2
    Well at least you can access it. We have a wetlands, complete with hides and you need a key to unlock the gate which in dry weather is a fair way from the water. Nowadays the Council won't let people access it because you have to cross a railway line. Whoever does their risk assessment goes way over the top - they trim the plants in the median strips and close off a full lane either side.


    • #3
      Looks like a great place to spend some time.

      What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
      CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

