While up Exmouth W.A i spotted this wreck.
The cattleship SS Mildura, carrying Kimberley cattle south, foundered on the reef during a cyclone in 1907, however no lives were lost. The hull sat forelornly on the reef until WW11 when allied planes used it for bombing practice. This wreck is visible from the shore particularly at low tide.
I took a walk down at sunset and took a few shots, This was the keeper. Pretty happy with it

SS Mildura wreck by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
The cattleship SS Mildura, carrying Kimberley cattle south, foundered on the reef during a cyclone in 1907, however no lives were lost. The hull sat forelornly on the reef until WW11 when allied planes used it for bombing practice. This wreck is visible from the shore particularly at low tide.
I took a walk down at sunset and took a few shots, This was the keeper. Pretty happy with it

SS Mildura wreck by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr