Some hints for our new members particularly those in the UK who may be finding Brexit tough. If you are intending on invading or re invading Australia there are some things you should know.
When attacking our defense forts built in the 19th century to withstand the rumoured Russian invasion do not shoot your weapons nearby otherwise you will be prosecuted and will end up in the naughty corner.

If you decide to take out the top secret ASIO training base on Swann Island (ASIO being the Australian MI6 or CIA) you have two options. You can fight your way past the unarmed middle aged female security guard and along the bridge to get to the Island or you can hide your AK47's in golf bags and tell her you are casual players on the island golf course and she will let you past.
When attacking our defense forts built in the 19th century to withstand the rumoured Russian invasion do not shoot your weapons nearby otherwise you will be prosecuted and will end up in the naughty corner.

If you decide to take out the top secret ASIO training base on Swann Island (ASIO being the Australian MI6 or CIA) you have two options. You can fight your way past the unarmed middle aged female security guard and along the bridge to get to the Island or you can hide your AK47's in golf bags and tell her you are casual players on the island golf course and she will let you past.
