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  • Composite image of male and female Woodswallows

    I took some shots with both male and female in the frame but could not get them both in focus (didn't try as I thought they were too far apart). I had separate images with one of the pair in focus so tried to create a composite with both in focus.

    It was a bit more difficult than I expected as I must have taken a couple of paces between images with each in focus, so after much content aware fill, masking and cloning, here is the result.

    Anyway here is the result. Any feedback is welcome

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20230414_SandyCampRd_0159_0163-Edit.jpg
Views:	50
Size:	242.3 KB
ID:	499957
    Alan W

    My Gallery

  • #2
    Good work on the comp Alan They are close enough to be able to have them both in focus and it's hard to tell it's a comp - which is the end goal. Well done. It's good practise for you and it's always a bit of a challenge. Only me, but I'd lighten the background a tad and desaturate it a bit too.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Thanks Isac. I did think of lightening the background a bit but decided to leave at as shot. It could do with being lightened a little

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I had a play and a subtle change works well, still keeping the focus on the birds.

  • #3
    Nicely done. Having tried something similar recently (with help from Isacs) I know it's not that easy Great colours and detail as always from this camera / lens combo.


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Thanks AlfandBen