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  • Goldfinch in my garden.

    Poor light so had to up the iso to 6400. Click image for larger version

Name:	20221111-_MG_5694.jpg
Views:	56
Size:	67.7 KB
ID:	494750 Click image for larger version

Name:	20221111-_MG_5697.jpg
Views:	46
Size:	71.1 KB
ID:	494751

  • #2
    G'day Paul

    Don't worry about the ISO - two beaut images for us to enjoy

    ps- do you / anyone here / ever hark back to film days when ISO-1600 was extraordinary and mind blowing stuff?

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
      Editing a comment
      I would regularly use ISO400 but that's about as far as I pushed it.
      I used Ilford for B/W and Fuji For Colour.
      Last edited by Grumpy John; 13-11-2022, 10:44 AM.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
      Editing a comment
      I was there and never used 1600. I remember trying 800? I had a Minolta HiMatic-E 35mm and it was brilliant. How do you remember all this stuff from ancient times ??

    • Ozzie_Traveller
      Ozzie_Traveller commented
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      Isac- I'll start a new thread

  • #3
    Nicely composed shots but look a little soft on my screen. A touch of unsharp mask cures it. The pose in #1 just gets it for me.


    • #4
      Excellent colour and the background, although busy is soft enough not to be distracting. I agree the plumage does look a little soft but the high ISO wouldn't help. I like the pose in #1 the best.
      Alan W

      My Gallery


      • #5
        Excellent shots. I also prefer the pose in the first. Nice smooth background and nice colors too.
        Fujifilm X-T5, XF16-80 f/4, XF70-300 f/4-5.6, XF23 f/2, XF35 f/2, XF150-600 f/5.6-8, and a random assortment of 35mm film cameras.


        • #6
          2 good pix of the goldfinch. seeing enough details in the face, but perhaps some more sharpening would bring some chest feather details up.
          well done
          Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter

