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  • Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis)

    Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

    Very small, with a distinctive short, rounded tail with conspicuous spots at the tip. Body sandy-colored below, streaky above. Breeding males have a dark bill and crown. Found in open grasslands, meadows, marshes, and agricultural areas. Most readily detected by its repetitive and monotonous song, given from either a perch or in an undulating song flight. Song varies across wide distribution, ranging from evenly-paced squeaky “tsik, tsik” of African and European birds to the fast dry ticking of Southeast Asian birds.


    Post Production: Framed as is for the purpose of displaying this on a 30"x20" frame. Sharpening on bird & desharpening in background.


  • #2
    Nice shot. Like that you included a lot of the environment.
    Fujifilm X-T5, XF16-80 f/4, XF70-300 f/4-5.6, XF23 f/2, XF35 f/2, XF150-600 f/5.6-8, and a random assortment of 35mm film cameras.


    • #3
      Thank you David

      Image is cropped down for online display.

      Zitting cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr


      • #4
        Appealing image with beautiful colours.He was a bit worried about you Paolo.
        Better a full bottle in front of me
        than a full frontal lobotomy.


        • #5
          I didnt mind the minimalist feel of the first image as presented EXCEPT for more space behind the bird than in front. the composition police will be after you for sure.
          if dead space not available in front, perhaps you could have added some canvas and added it.
          under those circumstances, I could see it being an ideal wallpaper for your computer or similar
          sometimes less is more..........
          good work
          Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


          • #6
            Lovely looking bird in a minimalist setting. I like the muted tones and pastel colours of the background. 100% about the lack of space in front of the bird but the crop has rectified that.
            I Shoot A Canon

            Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
            I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
            I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


            • #7
              For me the crop is the stronger composition and retains the lovely colours of the full image. Well done.
              Alan W

              My Gallery

