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  • A few small birds

    These are the smaller birds I found last Friday at Tygum Park

    1.Brown Honeyeater. Nikon D800, Nikon 500mm PF f/5.6 @ f/5.6. 1/500 f5.6 ISO 200
    Brown Honeyeater

    2. Female Superb Fairy-wren. Nikon D800 Nikon 500mm PF f/5.6. 1/400 f/5.6 ISO 1100
    Superb Fairy-wren Female

    3. Male Superb Fairy-wren. Nikon D800 Nikon 500mm PF f/5.6. 1/500 f/5.6 ISO 200
    Male Superb Fairy-wren

    4. Double-bar Finch. I prefer to get them on a natural perch but all of the small birds seem to prefer the fence
    Nikon D800 Nikon 500m PF f/5.6. 1/500 f/5.6 ISO 200
    Double-bar Finch
    Alan W

    My Gallery

  • #2
    A lovely set of images you have there Alan. I agree with you about prefering them on a natural perch but I quite like the framing of the rusty cyclone fencing. Removing the horizontal wire should be an easy fix/edit and would greatly improve the image.
    My Gear


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Thanks John. I did briefly think about removing the wire but didn’t think it worth the effort. Now you mention it, the rusty wire colour and texture might make it worthwhile.

  • #3
    I hope you don't mind Alan but I had a quick play with the Double Bar Finch.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Wigz Edit.jpg
Views:	52
Size:	374.8 KB
ID:	475874
    My Gear


    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      No problem John. That looks good. The more symmetrical crop works too.

  • #4
    Nice array of little birds Alan. Excellent photos with all your skills and gear. Great framing in all and those colours are very good - crystal clear images.
    Our John is becoming the go-to man for Photoshop edits! Well done mate. Love the crop and framing.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
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      Thanks mate, much appreciated.

    • wigz
      wigz commented
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      Thanks Isac, but I think there is still plenty of room for improvement. Getting clean backgrounds is a problem; I know I can blur them in post but I prefer to get it right in the camera..

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      If only that was possible. I like the BG's of all your bird shots Alan but as you know a perfect background is not always available. When you get a once only chance like John's Rainbow Bee Eater in a tree full of twigs, the only way to enhance the image is to edit out the annoying bits. I reckon most the pro bird togs do exactly that before displaying their work - it's just the way of the world nowadays.