The Australian hobby (Falco longipennis), also known as the little falcon. I spotted this one having a D&M with a Willie Wagtail (obviously over squatters rites) on my neighbours T.V. antenna. I decided that to make it interesting, I would do a comp of the various displays of annoyance provided by the Willie. The poses and squawks lasted a fair while but the Hobby was totally unphased throughout the entire performance. At the same moment, my dog Charlie decided to get creative by dropping a small piece of freshly manufactured artwork onto the footpath, which required my immediate and undivided attention, by having to remove the said object from the walkway, swiftly and with a minimum of fuss, using a free City supplied bright yellow doggie dump bag. As this action took precedence over the entertainment offered up by our feathered friends, I missed the Hobby and Willie taking off into the wide blue yonder. After all their argie-bargie, neither really wanted to claim the site as their own. TFL 


