been eyeing off this perch for a while. the birds all land there and waddle down to drink but if I go out with the camera, they fly off and I get squat. you get late arvo light and nothing behind it for 300m. today I was outside sitting watching mum and baby red necked wallaby and had prefocussed on the branch. this rosella landed and didnt have time to fly off. being there and sitting may have helped. I had too much lens on for the wallabies really but got some nice pix. was about ideal for this guy.
d5 600f4 tc17 (1000mm) 1/1250 f8 iso 1600. full frame (with camera turned vertically)
d5 600f4 tc17 (1000mm) 1/1250 f8 iso 1600. full frame (with camera turned vertically)