Not sure about the young ones Greg. Immature figbirds seem to be brownish going by the images I found online. These appear grey but look downy so may be younger. Their bills also look longer and thinner than the adults.Were the adults feeding or appearing to care for them?
Color may not be accurate as they were back lit and only had the travel camera with me. The adults weren't feeding them although they were paying them quite a bit of attention.
Like them both Greg. Very colourful #1 and #2 showing the ruffling feathers is cool.
I Shoot A Canon Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.
Well done Greg getting the male and female in the same shot - and with a point and shoot.
My guess is that #2 are juvenile males gaining their adult plumage, hence the dark heads without the red skin around the eye, but I'm not good at identifying birds.