A few more shots of the bee-eaters from last week.

Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/1250 f/8 ISO 720. Very heavy crop.

Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/2000 f/7.1 ISO 760. Very heavy crop.
#3. I tried to get a shot of them in flight or taking off. I managed to get a couple in the frame, but they were just too quick for me.

Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/12000 f/7.1 ISO 1250. Heavy crop.
Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/1250 f/8 ISO 720. Very heavy crop.
Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/2000 f/7.1 ISO 760. Very heavy crop.
#3. I tried to get a shot of them in flight or taking off. I managed to get a couple in the frame, but they were just too quick for me.
Nikon D800, Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 + 2x TC @ 600mm. 1/12000 f/7.1 ISO 1250. Heavy crop.