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  • Rare Bird - Somewhere in the world I'm sure.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1610_MG_6659.jpg
Views:	47
Size:	686.5 KB
ID:	433126
    I actually put a fake eye on this bird as you couldn't see it at all. It was having a whale of a time getting a feed from the flowers. Click image for larger version

Name:	1610_MG_6656.jpg
Views:	53
Size:	1.02 MB
ID:	433127
    You just can't make out an eye.Do you bird watchers add one? Took about 20 pictures only have a couple worth looking at he moved about quite quickly getting into the flowers.
    Better a full bottle in front of me
    than a full frontal lobotomy.

  • #2
    Looks like a Noisy Minor Hans
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      Definitely a Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) from the honeyeater family, Meliphagidae, and is endemic to eastern and south-eastern Australia. I saw quite a few in South Australia on my last visit in 2014. The tree is a Princess Tree or Empress Tree and also goes by Paulownia. It's grown in plantations in 4 states in Australia and they call it Australian Paulownia, used in the marine circles, surfboards etc.
      Last edited by Isac; 09-10-2016, 05:03 PM.

    • HansE
      HansE commented
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      Thanks Isac
      I had looked that up years ago when I saw a plantation in Northen NSW. I had forgotten the name. Also wasn't aware of what they were used for. Thought people may have smoked them because they had those sort of leaves.

    • Isac
      Isac commented
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      I wouldn't know about that HansE.

  • #3
    yep, I hear they pretty rare down antartica way. as for the eye, if you can you just try to shoot in good light. no eye details and I mainly ditch the pix. unless is a pic I dont have of course

    Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter


    • #4
      Click image for larger version

Name:	1610_MG_6669.jpg
Views:	46
Size:	633.3 KB
ID:	433211Ok so you can see a very rare eye in this one which I didn't put in. Picture seems ok except for the way the bird is posed with its head rotated away.
      Attached Files
      Better a full bottle in front of me
      than a full frontal lobotomy.

