Returning from an Australia Day Ceremony, I spotted 3 of these feeding in some Casuarinas. I slowly approached, but they flew off quickly and only one of 4 of the photos which I took was in focus - and very noisy - but I can live with that as it's my first photo of these birds 

D7000 Tamron 16-300m @210mm f/6.3 1/6400 3200 ISO, hand held, as these were the settings I was using earlier in the hall. Cloned out/erased lots of branches in front of the bird
Calyptorhynchus lathami.
"The Glossy Black-Cockatoo is the smallest of the five black-cockatoos. It feeds almost exclusively on Allocasuarina seeds in a particular area. Birds may feed only on a single species. It may also sometimes eat wood-boring larvae. Feeds in threes, less commonly in pairs or small groups or in large flocks of up to 60 birds." BIB

D7000 Tamron 16-300m @210mm f/6.3 1/6400 3200 ISO, hand held, as these were the settings I was using earlier in the hall. Cloned out/erased lots of branches in front of the bird
Calyptorhynchus lathami.
"The Glossy Black-Cockatoo is the smallest of the five black-cockatoos. It feeds almost exclusively on Allocasuarina seeds in a particular area. Birds may feed only on a single species. It may also sometimes eat wood-boring larvae. Feeds in threes, less commonly in pairs or small groups or in large flocks of up to 60 birds." BIB