Having a play with my new toy Tamron 150-600. I went for a little get away down Myalup, Southwest .
Really loving this lens

Cormorant's resting on an old run down jetty by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Splendid Fairy Wren, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Female Splendid Fairy Wren, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Pair of Carnaby's Cockatoo's, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
Really loving this lens

Cormorant's resting on an old run down jetty by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Splendid Fairy Wren, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Female Splendid Fairy Wren, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

Pair of Carnaby's Cockatoo's, Myalup, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr