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  • Hanging Rock

    Bold, proud, defiant. What a rock!

    It's a long hard road to get to Hanging Rock in Rudall NP and few make the journey and I can understand why. It's not like the Grand Canyon or the Himalayas or anything, it's just a rock.

    But if you do make the effort it looms large in the landscape, it dominates the landscape, it reeks of age and it certainly had an impact on me.

    So this is my favourite rock now.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SDIM4421-XL.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	169.4 KB
ID:	414321
    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

  • #2
    Very impressive.
    I'll get over that way one day for a visit.
    Cheers, Brad.


    • #3
      Hope you do Ironwood.

      Apparently some years no more than half a dozen people visit this rock so parking is never a problem.
      Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


      • #4
        Very nice processing - that tree on the 'nose' gives us a size to relate to.

        Certainly a 'Rock of Ages' - and glad you found one to relate to

        I'm presuming this is the one that briefly featured at the start of your recently posted video as you returned home?


        D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

        Flickr Instagram


        • #5
          Yes Alan, that's the one. In a land of sand dunes and scrub it stands out.
          Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


          • #6
            Nicely done in mono. Can imagine it would be very impressive in a flat landscape.


            • #7
              It's all about context I suppose. If on your way to the base camp at Everest you'd drive past this bump in the road and not even notice it. But it's gobsmacking in its desert locale
              Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins

