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  • Deadwood...Take 2.

    This old dead tree is fast becoming a favourite with me, the processing is similar to one I've posted a while ago. 'Deadwood'
    This time I've got there earlier with the sun down lower, different angle and very wet under-foot!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1073+.jpg
Views:	54
Size:	650.3 KB
ID:	399417

    What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
    CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

  • #2
    I quite like the processing but thinks the foliage from the other trees make it look a bit messy. I love dead trees with all their different shapes. I was watching a blind critique run by Scott Kelby, Matt Kowalski and I think Moose Peterson and they all reckon you can never take a good photo of a deal tree - I'd have to disagree.


    • #3
      Agree with Gabby .... Love the processing but the extra foliage ruins it
      "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


      • #4
        Thank you both, the tree's not going anywhere so I'm sure I'll have more opportunities to experiment with different angles and times.
        Keeping it simple and uncomplicated seems to be something to aim for with this style of thing and it certainly makes sense.

        Thanks again...

        What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
        CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.

