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  • Full moon fishing

    Well couldn't get the red moon last night through the clouds so thought I'd have a crack at the full moon setting this morning... Came home with some pictures that screamed to be put together, either that or go do some housework.
    Don't hold back...please to tell me what you really think....constructively.
    Full moon fishing by JoMacca, on Flickr
    Haven't been there, not done that.

  • #2
    Love it Jo. I like the tones, shape of the tree to balance the moon and the bird with fish in claw is the ultimate finishing touch.


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Thanks PP for those encouraging words.

  • #3
    Harry Potter would love you for this!

    A real cover picture for the next book.

    Well contructed image and the only thing I see which may improve it would be a slightly wider format to fully include the small tree on the left.

    Well done.


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      I was reading some commentary about constructing landscape images and it talked about how framing your images by using dark shapes at the edges helps redirect the viewer back into the image. The tree on the right is actually the tree on the left, just flipped and shortened so it didn't look like I'd flipped it. It seemed to help balance the image. But I take note of your CC and appreciate your input.

  • #4
    A fun shot Jo and more enjoyable to do than house work.

    I guess you aren't striving for reality, so having all the main elements in focus and the moon and bird in larger than life proportions is ok.

    I find the moon and bird compete with the tree for attention. A smaller bird might give the impression it is coming in to land?

    But as Greg says - Very Harry Potterish


    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      You've given me some things to think about, it never occured to me to leave the original moon in (which was of course oof).
      However the osprey would be coming in to land backwards! :-)

    • Alan
      Alan commented
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      Had a play, and if you make the Osprey smaller (and the moon), it seems to recede into the background and hence the bird would be landing frontwards?

      This still assumes you are after realism

    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Made me worry when people I know thought it was a real shot. Although I have seen an osprey flying infront of the moon and whimsically imaged I could use a 20 000mm lens and take an awesome shot of it.
      So if you had a play..wondering why I haven't seen it? :-) Would love to check out what you did.

  • #5
    Only just saw your reply Jo, Sorry.

    My 'play' was on another computer - 2nd go.

    This loses your 'fantasy' aspect and becomes more of an attempt at realism - two different approaches.

    Yours has more of the Wow factor


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fishing adjust.jpg
Views:	59
Size:	175.2 KB
ID:	394440

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      Thank you for taking the time to share your vision Alan. Has me thinking that the osprey could well be a dragon..maybe carrying off a photorapher. Might explain a few disappearances around here.

      Pretty clever how you did it so seamlessly.

  • #6
    Something a little different Jo ....

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20141019-15485440795_76f2e6cec0_b jo.jpg
Views:	54
Size:	97.9 KB
ID:	394464
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      I like it Barb, takes it to a whole new serious level.
      Thank you :-)

    • Sully
      Sully commented
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      Thanks Jo

      apologies for hijacking your image .... should have asked first ........ but glad you like it

    • Phoenix
      Phoenix commented
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      I am easy going with that sort of thing Barb. I think it's quite a privilege to have someone play with your photo.
      But some others do get a bit miffed. :-)