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  • Another one from the UK!

    Hi everyone, I'm another from the UK photo forum who's virtually moving to Oz
    I'm an analytical chemist by trade & have been heavily into photography for over 10 years (when an affordable DSLR rekindled my teenage interest).

    I love adapting lenses, and shooting outside the visual range (near IR & UV) as well as more everyday photography.
    Compulsive photographic dabbler.

  • #2
    G'day Mike

    Welcome Aboard mate ... your images are always beaut to view

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ozzie_Traveller View Post
      G'day Mike

      Welcome Aboard mate ... your images are always beaut to view

      Thanks Phil. I can assure you I get loads of trash too, but generally I keep that to myself
      Compulsive photographic dabbler.


      • #4
        G'day Mike

        George Bernard Shaw is credited with saying that "photographers are like a salmon ... it lays a million eggs in the belief that a handful will grow to maturity"
        So it is with my (ours?) photography ... I tend to keep / xfr into my 'best' shoebox about 30% of images taken, then select 30% of them as worthy of printing in the "annual album" that ends up on the coffee table. Strangely others look at the images and exclaim 'you must be an exceptional photographer' to which I respond, not really as I do not show you the fuzzy ones! ... and for others I just say 'not really- all my cameras have real lenses than can actually focus onto the thing I am photographing' (poking fun at their fones with simple lenses and no ability to focus and differentiate between items in the frame

        > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
        > recent images at


        • petrochemist
          petrochemist commented
          Editing a comment
          Thats around 10% of your images making it to your annual album, a much higher keeper rate than I manage. With some subjects I've ended up binning over 99% before even starting processing.

        • Ozzie_Traveller
          Ozzie_Traveller commented
          Editing a comment
          Yeah Mike - don't get me wrong ... there are times when I return from a day's outing and delete every damn image coz a) it was a struggle in the first place to get out and about, and b) the emotional side / pleasure in image-making just wasn't there, so the results show as such

      • #5
        Welcome petrochemist, Great to have you share your expertise with us.
        I Shoot A Canon

        Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
        I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
        I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

