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  • Another night at the theatre ... the Carpenter's Songbook, an Aussie tribute band

    G'day all

    Saturday night out to the theatre, with a 7-piece band and an evening of The Carpenter's softly melodic music. This group are Melb. based and well scripted with their harmonies and stuff!

    1)- lead vocals

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/100s x F2,8; ISO-1600; lens at 14x zoom / 350mm FFequiv

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/125s x F2,8; ISO-1600; lens at 20x zoom / 500mm FFequiv

    2)- backup vocals

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/40s x F2,8; ISO-1600; lens at 24x zoom / 600mm FFequiv

    3)- keyboard

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/60s x F2,8; ISO-1600; lens at 10x zoom / 240mm FFequiv

    4)- base guitar

    exif- Panny FZ-300; 1/50s x F2,8; ISO-1600; lens at 14x zoom / 350mm FFequiv

    All images are ooc jpg's with no PP, as the lighting this evening was controlled, unlike the last event I went to where the colours were always changing along with brightness changes at the same time

    Part-2 has images of the fella doing 'wind' and he was a very talented musician
    As always, feedback welcome
    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at

  • #2
    Well done Phil. Great sharp shots and good colours. The lighting is good in these shots.
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      Great sharp and clear photos, and a nice lass or two too..


      • #4
        Excellent and well exposed set Phil. The light and colour look really good except the blue background in #2 makes a bit of a harsh contrast with the singer.
        Alan W

        My Gallery


        • #5
          Thanks fellas

          The lighting this night was more controlled (if that's the best description) in that it used pastels more than primaries and they were not into the 'dramatic' / garish end of the scene
          I don't know much about theatre lighting, but do find that some shows seem to have heaps of colour changes going on as if the 'controller' thinks that is makes it better vision .... a bit like those people who consider adding more volume makes it better music when it merely drowns out beautiful voices

          Part-2 pics posted into a new thread
          > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
          > recent images at

