The Avon Descent is a 124 km annual white water race held over two days in August which runs from Northam to Bayswater in Western Australia. This years event started out in heavy rain and cold weather which made it very difficult to get good photos. These were taken at Extracts Weir. I go to the event with another tog and he knows the owner of the property at the weir. We get a good vantage point which is on the opposite side of the weir from where the paparazzi are which is head on to the action. We are closer and to one side of the weir. We usually stay for the kayaks but this year, we only stayed for the power boats because of the lousy weather.
Here's just a few shots of 100's I took. The rest are on my website at IsacImages in the "Special Events" if you want to take a look.





Here's just a few shots of 100's I took. The rest are on my website at IsacImages in the "Special Events" if you want to take a look.