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  • Why Soccer is a good sport

    Both these photos have something in common. It's not eyes closed or that they are both Soccer games or that they are at the same ground. The answer is in the images. I think that it would be very unlikely that this common element could be captured in many if any other team sports.


  • #2
    mixed sex sport? probably the only thing that might make soccer mildy more interesting than a kerosene bath ok thats a bit harsh, its more fun than that.

    I do like the first image, nicely placed with the sun and the colours are rich and vibrant, the pose and position of the player with the peeps in teh BG also works nicely. A bit more space on the lower side may have helped, it feels a bit cramped when the eye gets led down to the ball.
    gerry's photo journey
    No amount of processing will fix bad composition - trust me i have tried.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gerry View Post
      mixed sex sport?
      Both photos contain a parent playing in the same game as their child. By coincidence the parents are brother and sister.
      They are cropped just for that reason not as photos to use for anything else.


      • #4
        Originally posted by K1W1 View Post
        They are cropped just for that reason not as photos to use for anything else.
        ok, can appreciate that but without an explanation no one (besides those in the photos) is gonna understand
        gerry's photo journey
        No amount of processing will fix bad composition - trust me i have tried.


        • #5
          You are right K1W1. Soccer is more a family orientated sport than most others. I used to coach my kids team when they were in school and used to ref the games as well (I have a refs ticket). After I had my bike crash and could not run as well I switched to doing linesman in their teens. With 2 boys playing in different teams our weekends used to be spent with the kids all through winter, so it made the family unit much closer. It gave us all a common theme to talk about and do together. I think every family should have that sort of close bond.
          Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


          • #6
            I played in a indoor cricket game once, was mixed indoor cricket. 8 people on the team. Had me my sister my mum and father my grand mother. (no pa tho cause he passed). Was a cool moment. Until my sister broke my nose from the batters end haha.
            Its not paranoia if everyone is actually watching you
            MY Flickr
            Scotty's Place

