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  • YAY!!!!Gotcha

    After making my decision yesterday to get out of my rut and concentrate on getting back to the basics, today was shutter speed. I managed to catch this young fella this morning, the first couple I took I thought 250 would have been a fast enough shutter speed but it wasn't, so I changed to 500 and it was way much better. The background was much too busy so I fiddled with that, but on my shutter speed basic journey I made a big jump today.

    What do you guys think?

    lens 55-100mm kit
    matrix metering
    dumb redhead

    Last edited by jenne; 17-01-2012, 08:06 PM.

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  • #2
    You definitely captured a frozen moment there. I quite like the composition, but would like to see a lil bit more of the dark green up the top...also watch for the photoshop blur as it can halo around selections if you push it up too much.
    Did you try any rapid fire kind of shots? That would look pretty nifty as a triptych or something ;D
    d7000, d90 + stuff


    • #3
      That is an excellent capture Jenne. You have nailed the shutter speed on that one.
      Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


      • #4
        AHH don't go throwing that Dumb Red stunt on us I'm a dumb grey head then......
        nice capture, what I have pick up is in conditoins like that to under expose buy a F stop then bring it backup again in post developement also as mentioed try using rapid shooting mode thought a D90 with out a battery grip is not very rapid
        Wacko-Ocker Photography

        I shoot with a camera until I get paid to say other wise


        • #5
          Originally posted by xaiya View Post
          You definitely captured a frozen moment there. I quite like the composition, but would like to see a lil bit more of the dark green up the top...also watch for the photoshop blur as it can halo around selections if you push it up too much.
          Did you try any rapid fire kind of shots? That would look pretty nifty as a triptych or something ;D
          Thank you Xaiya, I did crop out a lot at the top because I thought the closer crop to his head would give more emphasis on his downward movement, actually I cropped it before blurring the background - very busy with a backdrop of trees, water and sunshade sheds not in a pleasing pattern at all plus people eating at tables. I will take another look at this, and thank you for the tip about the blur halo which I noticed but wasn't sure how it got there. No to rapid fire shots, I still need to read up and experiment a lot with this camera.

          Originally posted by LJG View Post
          That is an excellent capture Jenne. You have nailed the shutter speed on that one.
          Thank you Lloyd, you know I really did think 250 would have been ok so I surprised myself there and taught myself a lesson - more practice, practice, practice.

          Originally posted by wacko-ocker View Post
          AHH don't go throwing that Dumb Red stunt on us I'm a dumb grey head then......
          nice capture, what I have pick up is in conditoins like that to under expose buy a F stop then bring it backup again in post developement also as mentioed try using rapid shooting mode thought a D90 with out a battery grip is not very rapid
          Thank you wacko-ocker , about the dumb bit, I'm at the stage right now where my little knowledge is dangerous, blundering here and there, thus the back to basics. Thank you for the under exposing tip, I was using shutter priority, not manual, so I suppose I can still do that in S mode? The exposures I am going to try in depth over the next couple of weeks as under/over exposing is still a mystery to me, I could do them really well with my film SLR so soon I hope to practice with those too. I won't be getting a battery grip in the foreseeable future so I will have to live with its limitations (had one on my film SLR though ).


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          • #6
            good work on this you captured the action well

            if you can shoot from ground level and get this, you can take this sort of thing to another level
            because it creates a feeling of more air, and can often isolate the background better
            Stephen Davey. Nikon Shooter

