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  • New Pen

    I haven't posted any of my pens for a while.
    I just finished this one today.
    It has genuine bottle caps cast in clear resin.

    I have been using a new set-up for my pen photos, a cheap fold-up shooting table off ebay.
    I have a speedlight in a 24" softbox on the left, and a speedlight in a Fstoppers flashdisc on the right.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_9617.jpg
Views:	139
Size:	174.1 KB
ID:	442994

    This is the shooting table I am using, the white plastic has a matt finish on one side, and shiny on the other. I am using the matt. I have tried a flash under the table pointing straight up, but as I only have 2 speed lights, I think its better if I use them one either side. I will buy another speedlight one day and try underneath again. Not sure its really needed though.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	s-l500 (1).jpg
Views:	88
Size:	34.9 KB
ID:	442995
    Cheers, Brad.

  • #2
    G'day mate

    Looks beaut to my eye ... is it a lot of work to convert the bottle tops into a form that you can then 'resinate'?

    > Motorhome travels outback eastern Australia much of each year
    > recent images at


    • #3
      I'm with Phil. Fabulous job on the new pen. Just the right thing for a JAC drinker. Lighting is quite good so I wouldn't get another light. I take photos for a trophy manufacturer for his web site and I use a white (or black) cotton - curved like yours and 2 softboxes at 45ยบ. Tricky with trophies as they are very shiny. It looks like you've got it all under control. Just an afterthought - but a bit of reflection now and then can enhance the look as well.
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ozzie_Traveller View Post
        G'day mate

        Looks beaut to my eye ... is it a lot of work to convert the bottle tops into a form that you can then 'resinate'?

        Thanks Phil.
        I have a mate that does the casting work on these ones. I also cast pen blanks in various styles, but haven't tried my hand at bottle caps as yet.

        They start out as a brass tube of the correct length and diameter, they get wrapped in aluminium tape with his signature styled embossing, he cuts the disc out of the bottle cap and rolls it to the necessary curve, glues it in place, then places it in a mould and pours in the clear resin.
        I receive them as a fairly rough block, trim it down to the ends of the brass tube, it can then be placed on a mandrel and turned to size on the lathe, sanded and polished before assembling into the pen you see.
        In all, I suppose there is a fair bit of work involved, but it is an enjoyable hobby.

        Cheers, Brad.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Isac View Post
          I'm with Phil. Fabulous job on the new pen. Just the right thing for a JAC drinker. Lighting is quite good so I wouldn't get another light. I take photos for a trophy manufacturer for his web site and I use a white (or black) cotton - curved like yours and 2 softboxes at 45ยบ. Tricky with trophies as they are very shiny. It looks like you've got it all under control. Just an afterthought - but a bit of reflection now and then can enhance the look as well.
          Cheers Isac.
          I only have one softbox. I also have the Fstoppers flashdisc ( which I guess is a small softbox as well ). I also have a 42" white shoot through umbrella.
          I really haven't done enough experimenting to find what is the best. At the start, I was just using one softbox and some reflectors, but since getting the 2nd speedlight I have been using 2 lights.

          I agree that some reflection is needed, to give the piece a 3D look, without it things can look pretty flat. Getting the right balance is the key.
          Cheers, Brad.


          • #6
            Here are a few shots taken while experimenting with the lights and reflectors.

            Ignore the 2016 watermark on the first one, the photo was taken in May 2017.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_8335-re.jpg
Views:	98
Size:	187.6 KB
ID:	443012

            Click image for larger version

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Size:	186.9 KB
ID:	443013

            Click image for larger version

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Size:	186.5 KB
ID:	443014

            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_8327-1050.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	195.7 KB
ID:	443015
            Cheers, Brad.


            • #7
              All look great. Probably 3 my pick.


              • Ironwood
                Ironwood commented
                Editing a comment
                Thanks Greg.
                Another Coopers drinker ?

            • #8
              Agree with Greg, all look good. It's all subjective though so as long as you're pleased with the results that's what matters. As you have them above is perfectly OK - they're colourful, bright and really sharp. great work.
              I Shoot A Canon

              Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
              I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
              I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


              • seaslug
                seaslug commented
                Editing a comment
                I quite like that bit of shadow and reflection. I think it gives it a bit of depth and dimension.

              • Isac
                Isac commented
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                Like Greg, I don't mind the reflection BUT it seems to be a bit distorted or stretched and I just can't work out why. I think the reflection should be given more accent to give it depth - just a thought though. I'm going to have a play and if something comes of it I'll post.

              • Ironwood
                Ironwood commented
                Editing a comment
                I thought you were talking about the reflection in the chrome bits Isac.
                Yes, I don't know why the reflection on the white plastic looks the way it does, maybe I should try the shiny side of the plastic to see what it looks like.

            • #9
              This is what I mean by more reflection. I added a bit of shadow as well.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	pen-2.jpg
Views:	79
Size:	178.0 KB
ID:	443044
              Click image for larger version

Name:	pen-3.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	187.6 KB
ID:	443045
              I Shoot A Canon

              Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
              I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
              I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


              • Ironwood
                Ironwood commented
                Editing a comment
                I really like what you have done there Isac, that looks much better.

              • Isac
                Isac commented
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                It's just using black and white gradient layer masks. Even the best photographers around have difficulty with the reflections in the actual metal parts so I wouldn't worry about it too much. A bit of soft cloning can reduce it where it's very pronounced though. Trial and error to get the pen reflection though, shiny surface might be OK.

            • #10
              Nicely crisp and well detailed and a good collection.
              A HAPPY PENTAX USER

