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  • Runner up.

    I made a couple of pens recently, so that I could choose one to enter into a competition. The category I am entering is called "Pretty Wood Pen".
    The entries will be judged on, fit and finish, choice of components to suit the wood, presentation (photography plays a big part in this as its an online competition), and of course how pretty the wood is.
    The entries will be judged by other penturners including those who entered pens, there will be a series of knockout votes until the top 3 pens are chosen.
    As I can't post photos online of the pen I have entered until after the competition has ended, I can only show this pen, which is the one I didn't choose to enter.

    I can only enter 3 photos of the pen, 1 with the clip up, pen facing to the right, 1 with the clip up, pen facing to the left, and one with the pen sitting how I choose, has to be a plain background with no props that can identify the penturner.

    Stainless Steel rollerball, with Dogwood barrels.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Pretty Wood RU-1.jpg
Views:	40
Size:	115.7 KB
ID:	427911

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Pretty Wood RU-2.jpg
Views:	39
Size:	117.9 KB
ID:	427912

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Pretty Wood RU-3.jpg
Views:	40
Size:	111.9 KB
ID:	427913
    Cheers, Brad.

  • #2
    Oh wow .... that is quite beautiful Brad ..... amazing stuff .... well done.
    Looking forward to seeing the one you entered.
    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


    • #3
      Thanks Barb, I'll be sure to post the photos of the other pen in a few weeks.
      Cheers, Brad.


      • #4
        Well you have my vote
        Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks Mick

      • #5
        Have no idea how you combine the warm beauty of the wood with the cool metal so easily. A true craftsman.

        Your entry must be pretty impressive

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        • Ironwood
          Ironwood commented
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          Thanks Alan.
          2 very different mediums to work with, sometimes they come together just right.
          The other pen is a bit more blingy than this one, I was sorely tempted to go with this one, as I like this style better, but my wife was adamant the other pen was the one to enter. I hope she is right.

      • #6
        Lovely. it has that Sassafras look about the timber.


        • #7
          Originally posted by seaslug View Post
          Lovely. it has that Sassafras look about the timber.
          Thanks Greg. I have a nice piece of Blackheart Sassafras, I will make a pen out of it one day.

          This timber is from Central Queensland, Dogwood is one of its common local names. You can see it here -
          My mate Vern who put that website together gave me a small log section of it in one of our timber swaps. If you like looking at nice timber, check out some of his photos, also check out his egg collection it is pretty special.

          The piece I used for this pen, doesn't have as much blue/green colour as some of this timber shows.
          Last edited by Ironwood; 09-08-2016, 03:59 PM.
          Cheers, Brad.


          • seaslug
            seaslug commented
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            I'm familiar with dogwood as it's common in Tassie too.

            I have a lovely pen made from Blackheart Sassafras and quite a few other articles as well. (Wife's favorite timber)

        • #8
          Beautiful work Ironwood. You're a master craftsman and the photography is superb. Did you try a black BG? It would make it pop IMO. Being a West Aussie, I can appreciate the timber side of things with our very own South West jarrah. I love the Sassafras timber, it absolutely stunning. I hope you win, you deserve it.
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          I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
          I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.

