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  • Light and Shadows

    As the sun moves South again, the light and shadows change daily

    Last edited by Alan; 24-07-2016, 09:39 PM.

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

    Flickr Instagram

  • #2
    Excellent contrasts provided by the sun Alan. Exposure is about perfect. Interesting objects add to it as well. (except for the candle lean - too much "red" perhaps?).
    I Shoot A Canon

    Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
    I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
    I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


    • #3
      A little too busy for me for a 'still life' ..... really like the light and shadow on the bottom portion ...... that could be a wall hanger of a wall hanger
      "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


      • #4
        This is such a beautiful image Alan. So delicately composed, the placement of the elements, the light and shade subtly balanced and contrasted. Quiet poetic.

        You and your bloody iPhone. (I know it's an iPhone, cause I saw it on Google+ or whatever it's called.)

        My indecision is final, I think.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Isac View Post
          Excellent contrasts provided by the sun Alan. Exposure is about perfect. Interesting objects add to it as well. (except for the candle lean - too much "red" perhaps?).
          Thanks Isac. I did 'up' the saturation on the reds slightly. (I'm a fire sign). I didn't notice the leaning candle at the time, but in processing I thought the angle matched the other angles in the glasses and vase

          Originally posted by Sully View Post
          A little too busy for me for a 'still life' ..... really like the light and shadow on the bottom portion ...... that could be a wall hanger of a wall hanger
          Thanks Barb. I did make another photo of just the bottom half (on Flickr), but I much preferred this one

          Originally posted by sejac View Post
          This is such a beautiful image Alan. So delicately composed, the placement of the elements, the light and shade subtly balanced and contrasted. Quiet poetic.

          You and your bloody iPhone. (I know it's an iPhone, cause I saw it on Google+ or whatever it's called.)
          Thank you Charles. I really liked it too.

          Careen and I have different views on interior design, so we are constantly rearranging things around the house while the other one isn't watching, It just so happened that neither of us bothered to 'fiddle' with this.

          The light hits the wall like this only a couple of times a year - I was just passing with the phone at the right time

          I'm away at Wallaga Lake atm - using the phone as a 'hot spot' for the Laptop, while playing my music through it on the Avan sound system. (Also checking the ABC and Guardian News, weather and tides for tomorrow's dawn shoot of a rock only accessible at low tide - I occasionally us it as a phone )

          I also use it to level the Avan. And for some obscure reason it sometimes tells me what the traffic conditions are like and how long it would take me to drive home

          I could go on.....

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #6

            As Charles said, quite poetic.

            The framed image is quite something special as well as it displays your wonderful understanding of light, shadow and simplicity. (and interior design, but I'll whisper that quietly)

            Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


            • #7
              Thanks Mick

              D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

              Flickr Instagram


              • #8
                Interesting effects..........well spotted.
                A HAPPY PENTAX USER

