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  • #16
    Originally posted by ScottH View Post
    I just had a health check done by my doc.
    He says I'll live. The only concern was my Vitamin D levels were low, but reckons most people these days are. So a bit more sunshine and some vitamin tablets for me!!
    Oh he also said watch the collestrol, and sugar!!
    Mmmm sugar haha, I get a sugar high just looking at chocolate these days!

    Originally posted by Rob Smith View Post
    Not sure I could handle it for brekky either. After being diagnosed with Kidney Failure just before Cristmas & being off work since - makes one appreciate the functions your organs do. Gained 15 k'g;s & now lost 20 in three weeks getting better. Maybe I should be on the carrots although my only restriction is "No Salt" - Cramps have been horrific (went to KFC the other days & got some chips with double salt DON'T TELL MY WIFE )
    That's no good Rob. Trouble is with us blokes we don't see the doctor untill it is too late. I hope you are well and truly on the mend now. I too suffer from cramps if I don't drink enough water, dehydration is a big cause. If I ride or go to the gym I have a water bottle, but don't carry it if I walk (which I usually do at a good pace for at least an hour), that's when I notice it worse. I also take magnesium tablets to help alleviate them.
    Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones, try a different one each day


    • #17
      hehehe....awesome pic and story
      d7000, d90 + stuff

