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Nice shot Alan. The phone seems to have handled the extreme contrast quite well. The clouds and the converging shadows of the posts and railings are interesting here.
Thanks Alan.
Glad you found something in it.
The phone can't handle the sun, (well a lot of 'real' cameras would struggle as well) and I know that, but I still continue to ask too much of it
As you say - it's about lines, curves and shapes - clouds and concrete - soft and hard.
Thanks for dropping by
I have had a couple of looks at this and it has some very nice elements. I like the top and the bottom but dislike the centre. The sky is wonderfully dramatic. The shadows on the concrete add a very nice texture. The banding of the bright sun puts me off liking the picture as a whole. I see that I am repeating what has been said in slightly different words.Better a full bottle in front of me
than a full frontal lobotomy.