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  • Charlie

    Have been a bit distracted this past week. Our first grandchild Charlie arrived on Wednesday.

    Cuddles with his mum ...

    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"

  • #2
    Congratulations to you all. Lovely picture.


    • #3
      Lovely photo and I guess he's a lucky boy to have happy folks like you around! I see you named him after our esteemed leader. There's going to be hundreds of photos
      I Shoot A Canon

      Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
      I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
      I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


      • #4
        Charlie and his mum are going to have a wonderful record of his birth and early life. Lucky mum and Charlie.

        Great choice of name by the way.

        My indecision is final, I think.


        • #5
          A special moment captured


          Enjoy the ride

          D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

          Flickr Instagram


          • #6
            Thanks everyone

            Charlie was born with a cleft lip and palate, so there will be tough times ahead for him ..... first surgery in around 3 months to repair his cleft lip.
            He is super gorgeous (not biased at all) ...... expect tons of future photos
            "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


            • #7
              Congratulations to mum and dad and everyone, he looks a fine little man, good weight and all? I wish him all the best in his future surgeries. Oh we had a little girl, so I'm a proud grandma too.

              My Gallery
              My Flickr Gallery


              • Sully
                Sully commented
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                Thanks very much Jenne ...... congratulations to you too
                Charlie was 3.550kg (just under 8lb) ...... lost 110g up to discharge day, gained 75g back in 2 days (little piggy). He is 51cm long and 37cm head.

              • Isac
                Isac commented
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                I used to be around that many years ago and it could be that I'll end up back there too. I have to agree, kids are cute when they're little

            • #8
              Lucky to have them close by. My 9 Grandchildren are 1500+ km away. (Eldest 16)


              • Sully
                Sully commented
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                Very lucky to have him close by Greg ..... only 35mins or so
                Bugger that all yours are so far away .... but a good excuse for a 'getaway'

                Our son is in Adelaide .... so should there be some in the future that will mean a 10 hour drive :/

              • jenne
                jenne commented
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                That's sad Greg, mine are over in Victoria so not so accessible, I went over for two days last week.

            • #9
              Ah Greg, you'll just have to travel more - it's not good to miss out out on the grand kids and I think it's essential that they develop a bond with Nan and Pop. I'm lucky I guess, my grandies are all within throwing distance and it's great to see them growing. Eldest is 20 and youngest is still in nappies. Quite a big gap - my youngest daughter has the 20yo - and my eldest son has the bub - go figure!
              I Shoot A Canon

              Web: / My Gear / Flickr Photostream
              I just fired myself from cleaning my house.
              I don't like my attitude and I caught myself drinking on the job.


              • Sully
                Sully commented
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                Very true words Isac ..... have to develop a bond between grandparents and grandkids.

                Our youngest will also have the eldest grandchild ..... I gave up trying to figure out the kids a long time ago ...

              • Isac
                Isac commented
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                They're growing up in a world that's a lot different to the one I grew up in. I just make sure we're here for them when and if they need us. I love them all dearly and unconditionally (and they know it!).