Hopelessly bogged and the nine metre tide has just turned.

And now a mate has foolishly followed in his tracks.

Here's a wide shot. I drive out here regularly but never pass the red arrow...and that's never ever ever drive past it. Ever.
In a couple of hours the water will be 2.5 metres deep at the arrow.
The tides here claim quite a few vehicles each year and I feel some sympathy for these guys, especially the mate who has attempted the rescue but sheesh, it was idiotic to be out there in the first place.
(The two tiny white dots on the right are the vehicles)

And now a mate has foolishly followed in his tracks.
Here's a wide shot. I drive out here regularly but never pass the red arrow...and that's never ever ever drive past it. Ever.
In a couple of hours the water will be 2.5 metres deep at the arrow.
The tides here claim quite a few vehicles each year and I feel some sympathy for these guys, especially the mate who has attempted the rescue but sheesh, it was idiotic to be out there in the first place.
(The two tiny white dots on the right are the vehicles)