Please forgive any technical photography problems with these images, I thought some people may be interested in seeing them, they are scans off transparencies that were taken around 1980 or 81 on a Nullarbor I did with the Japanese NHK film group. The Japanese were filming the underground water sources of Australia, and we spent a week with them at Eucla. Carrying their gear, managing the campsite, cooking etc. These photos are taken in Wee Babbie cave just north of the Eucla road house. Years ago Eucla depended on the water from this cave for all their ablutions at the roadhouse. Its is very salty but really clean and crystal clear. This particular pool was 120 foot deep at the deepest point, the place where the divers are entering the water was around 20 ft and you could see the bottom as easy as if it was 12 inches. Hope you enjoy the pics.
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