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  • Exploring

    Decided to do a Sandy (Nikkie) yesterday after walking the dogs and took a few different side roads not far out of town. Some ended up at security gates to the back of industrial areas, some to private property but did find a creek which was relatively easy to get to - ie no wading through waist high grass and the thought of slithery friends. Not much around when I got there but did see a flash of blue so am hoping if I get there earlier will find some birds.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	003-Creek.jpg
Views:	84
Size:	233.4 KB
ID:	391108

    Click image for larger version

Name:	001Creek.jpg
Views:	40
Size:	240.0 KB
ID:	391109

  • #2
    I don't like the thought of snakes either. There are a few about in Tassie already!

    This looks to be a nice area for you to take that Sigma 105 for a walk.


    • #3
      I love to explore I always want to know "what is down that road " , "whats on the other side of that hill " what is around the next bend always bottle necking to see what I can get a glimpse of behind the tree sometimes a big fat nothing but often its when my gut say's quick turn here that is when I see things like you have right here. Its amazing what is hiding out in the bush just waiting to have its beauty noticed. I am glad you did go and find this looks like such a beautiful spot and you found it great photos as well
      All Experts at anything were once beginners

      MWAH Sandy

