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  • More wave action

    at Bicheno.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Like the scene and wave crashing on the rocks - we only get miniature versions of that up this way. There does seem to be a slight pinkish colouring in the white of the waves.


    • #3
      Originally posted by P Plates View Post
      Like the scene and wave crashing on the rocks - we only get miniature versions of that up this way. There does seem to be a slight pinkish colouring in the white of the waves.
      Thanks, yes not sure what's causing that. It's not so noticeable on my screen but it could be the auto white balance struggling to keep up. I was shooting on burst and the action was fast and furious, particularly when the waves arrived at my feet!


      • #4
        Great action shot and nice framing with the rocks
        Isn't it strange how we all see something different? The pic shows up with a blue cast here, especially the headland on the right hand side.

        What if there were no Hypothetical questions?
        CC always welcomed, feel free to post your ideas with an edit if you have time - Thanks.


        • #5
          There's obviously a difference in the way different screens display. If anything I get more blue than anything else. I didn't do any colour correction at all as I think it's not too far away from how I saw the scene on the day. The sun was coming and going and I waited for it to go behind clouds before taking the shot in an effort to reduce 'burn' on the white of the waves.

          Thanks for the comments.


          • #6
            Nice photograph I like it.

