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What's there to dislike? Surely a mistake. "Not all that bad." Some are very hard to please.
Well I like it. The inclusion of the sun is interesting, and the exposure is creative.
Did I get a dislike somewhere? I missed it. Just as well, 'cause I would have been devastated. (Was that you Alan? It was probably Mick, or ....... never mind. It's hard not to be paranoid when everyone hates you.)Charles
My indecision is final, I think.
I can live with "Not that bad"Just kidding Gaz - thanks
I can also cope with 'interesting' and 'creative exposure'
Yes Charles, someone did 'dislike' something you said - hard to believe I know
It could well have been Mick - I'm getting increasingly worried about the effect of the heat and humidity on residents of the tropics
I don't mind it but don't think it's as good as you usually post. As for the tropics - they seem to be creeping south - living at the very north of the temperate zone it still feels extremely tropical here in summer - definitely will be looking southwards after retirement.