Gorgeous - that tongue makes the shot. But, no matter how much those eyes plead don't give him that egg, unless it's a special doggy one. My lab ate a whole bag of mini mars bars once, including some wrappers, didn't seem to affect him but then I think labs were constructed with cast iron guts they are such greedy things and likely to eat anything.
"hope you all clicked on the LINK"
Not originally but I have now - never knew that - will have to keep a close eye when walking my dogs to see if they do it. We meet lots of new dogs and old friends regularly.
Aaah now which Poodle is this ..not Maggie but darned if I remember the other names .. I know there's a Bella amongst our Poodle clan too.. Anyways I did click on the link and see all the nose licking. I am sure I have a shot somewhere of my Matilda doing it aswell.
As a Poodle convert, although I don't have one of my own, I do favour those that board at YAPS (Young Animal Protection Society) where I volunteer. Mind you Cavaliers are also a bit of a weakness too.
Yes I remember little Jeannie .. ok hopefully next time I will remember. Heck I can remember the names of the cats and dogs at YAPS so I shouldn't really have a problem with Sammy, Jeannie and Bella lol.